Archive for October, 2014

Oba of Lagos, Oba Rilwan Akiolu, stressing a point to the new Director-General of CBAAC, Sir Ferdinand Anikwe who visited the monarch in company of his management team at the Iga Idunganran Palace, Lagos, last Tuesday

Oba of Lagos, Oba Rilwan Akiolu, stressing a point to the new Director-General of CBAAC, Sir Ferdinand Anikwe who visited the monarch in company of his management team at the Iga Idunganran Palace, Lagos, last Tuesday

In the ever-changing and dynamic economic terrain of the global society, nations are constantly evolving strategies to leverage on the comparative advantages which they have over others and articulate framework of ideas to grow their various through these advantages.

For countries in Africa, including Nigeria, culture becomes one of such marketable products which at various fora, experts have consistently highlighted as possessing immense potential to grow the economies of the continent’s peoples and countries against the backdrop of the product’s availability and also its immense viability if properly explored.

The 21st century has been tagged the century of Africa’s development. Indices from some African countries suggest that steadily, Africa is beginning to take the necessary steps to growth and development. There are also indications that the leaderships and governance of most African and Diaspora countries and communities are becoming more transformational in their disposition and it in this context that the current realities could be explained.

However, many also believe that if Africa and its Diaspora are to come to compete with the rest of the global economy, Nigeria and the rest of the continent need to accelerate pace of development and one of such ways of fast tracking development remains, according to them, exploiting the viable option of cultural development.

Indeed, Africa’s cultural diversity remains a treasure largely unexplored in her continued quest for development.

African culture encapsulates the totality of the learned and shared ways by which Africans have survived through the ages. It encompasses the tangible and intangible as it also incorporates the subtotal of the material and immaterial tools, art works and works of art and knowledge accumulated by the people. Africa’s cultural heritage is enviably rich.

Hence, its relevance to Africa’s political, social and economic growth and sustainable development.

This position also takes into cognisance various economic models evolved and initiated in the past in an effort to drive development. However, culture remains of such yet to be fully tapped into with a view to driving economies of the various African countries.

Since culture is a way of life, there is an urgent need to reconcile its substance with the ongoing search for effective tool for arresting the tide of poverty, unemployment and misery ravaging the continent and its Diaspora. A culture compass is also desirable to entrench progressive human development, enhance creativity and increase productivity for the common good.

It is therefore against this backdrop there that the forthcoming conference by the Centre for Black and African Arts and Civilization (CBAAC) is fully appreciated and commended, as the agency seeks to traditionally offer a platform for scholars from various disciplines and different climes to interact, analyze and exchange ideas on the centrality of culture to Africa and the African Diaspora socio-economic transformation.

The international conference slated for November 27 and 28 in two states of Rivers State, is expected to provide opportunity to interrogate and question the concepts of culture as it relates to the experiences of Nigerians, African peoples and institutions; offer a platform for scholars from various disciplines and different climes to interact, analyze and exchange ideas on the centrality of culture to Africa and the African Diaspora socio-economic transformation; explore ways of restoring Africa’s traditional values by rebuilding families and communities in order to enhance our potentials for self-reliance; as well as strengthen historical and cultural ties between Africa and the Diaspora.

Organized in collaboration with the University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, the international conference will hold under the theme of: Using Culture to Drive the Transformation of Africa and its Diaspora in a New Global Order, and expected to gather Pan-Africanists, historians, academics, activists and other experts within Africa and the Diaspora.

At the end of the confab, it is expected that a veritable platform would have been provided for harnessing the gains of cultural pluralism for sustainable development in Africa; an avenue would have been provided for enhanced international exchanges on the centrality of culture to Africa and the African Diaspora socio-economic transformation; lessons would have been learnt on ways of using Africa’s traditional values to enhance African culture potentials for self-reliance, in the same way as opportunities would have been created to further strengthen cultural ties between Africa and the Diaspora.

The two-day international conference will various look at; Theoretical and Epistemological Issues; Using Culture to Fasttrack African Development; Popular Culture and Development; Culture and Management; Cultural and Heritage Management; The Nollywood Industry in the Promotion of National Development; Indigenous Knowledge Systems and National Development; The Youth, African Culture and Development; Any other issues and sub themes considered germane to culture and the transformation of Africa and its Diaspora in the new global order, as sub-themes.

Meanwhile, Oba of Lagos, Oba Rilwan Akiolu, has charged the management of CBAAC to ensure proper documentation of old cultural values of the country, noting that these heritage items serve to preserve the history of the nations in the minds of the people.

The monarch said this when newly-appointed Director-General of the agency, Sir Ferdinand Anikwe led his management team which included CBAAC Directors Mrs. Funmi Ladele, Dr. Tony Onwumah, Dr. Mrs. Chuma-Ibe, and Mrs. Osaro Osayande on a courtesy visit to the palace of Oba Akiolu, last Tuesday.

‘I would charge you as Director General of the centre to work to ensure proper documentation of old cultural values, artifacts and art works as these are very important in the preservation of our culture and tradition as this goes a long way in familiarizing the generations yet unborn with the history of the African continent,’ said the monarch.

The traditional ruler who assumed office in 2003, in his welcome remarks noted that the African tradition especially the Yoruba culture is a very rich and interesting one.

Citing examples of different cultural beliefs, Oba Akiolu promised not to relent in his efforts at propagating it to the rest of the world, just as he noted that although he was born a Muslim, he has a 100 per cent belief in the traditional customs and values as the sustainability of what is left of the African world after the colonialists’ invasion can only be found in our culture.

He further acknowledged the fact that it was needful for us as Africans to move forward as see the past as gone.

“Often times, I’ve had reasons to argue with some foreign expatriates on how they have influenced our cultural values especially among the younger generation. Now that most of these expatriates have left for their countries, the needful for us as Africans is to re-invent our lost values and embrace them again,” said Oba Akiolu.

Oba Akiolu thereafter pledged his unflinching support for the centre and promised to attend any of the its functions when invited.

Responding, Sir Anikwe thanked the monarch for his insightful comments and observations, as he further pointed out that the visit became imperative ‘as the Oba’s assistance, blessings and co-operation is highly important in order to help project our cultural values to the outside world, which is one of CBAAC’s mandate.’

He reiterated the fact that for CBAAC to succeed excellently, the Oba and council’s collaboration and partnership would make a significant impact and ‘as CBAAC is a stakeholder in the cultural sector, an affiliation with the traditional ruler would go a long way in helping the Centre achieve laid down goals and ambitions.’

He said even though the Centre is faced with problem of poor funding, they are trying their best to make the use of the minimal allocation they receive from the Federal Government.

CBAAC Directors present at the visit included: Mrs. Funmi Ladele, Dr. Tony Onwumah, Dr. Mrs. Chuma-Ibe, and Mrs. Osaro Osayande.

fascinating nigeriaUmbrella body of tour operators in the country, the Association of Nigeria Tour Operators (NATOP) has commended the Federal Government, the Lagos State government alongside other state governors for the swift containment of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak in Nigeria.

The body also condemned the treatment metted out to Nigerians and other travellers to the country on account of the Ebola virus outbreak in West African sub-region.

Describing as prompt and effective, the manner of the containment of the deadly virus’ spread in the country, the tour operators noted that the various bodies worked together to prevent the spread of the disease in the country even as its urged the United State and European countries currently threatened by the disease to treat Nigerian travellers with dignity and respect for human rights.

In a press release signed by the president of the umbrella body for travel operators in the country, Mr. Nkwereuwem Onung, the body commended the prompt attention giving to tackling the matter and information machinery deployed by the government to enlighten and educate Nigeria on the matter.

The body said for the first time in a long while Nigerians witnessed a demonstration of something and positive about the Nigerian government, describing the manner the disease was handled as ‘‘efficiency in governance,’’ and the fact that once determined the Nigerian government can actually go the full hug to deliver good governance to the people.

According to NATOP, ‘the partnership of the Lagos State government and the Federal Government is a pointer to the fact that if all Nigerians and government at all levels lay aside their differences and politics that efficiency and the promotion of public good and interest can be achieved in a question of time.’

Onung, therefore, in the statement called on all Nigerians to joins hands in building a virile and united nation where brotherliness and common good of the people thrive, adding that this is the only way that the country can overcome it many challenges and build a sound economic base for the people.

Onung who is also the chairman of the Cross River State-based Remlord Tours and Transports Services, stressed that even though members suffered great losses following cancellation of several business deals said however, that ‘the association was happy that the government effectively contained the spread and that today Nigeria is free just as members and others can now hope to get their businesses back on track again.’

With the United States and other European countries battling to stave off the spread of the disease in their soil, the tour operators’ body called for caution in the manner that they treat Nigerians travelling in and out of their countries.

“Nigerians deserve to be accorded their full human rights and not seen as the carriers of EVD as the epidemic is a global one and not confined to West African countries alone as many people believe,” Onung maintained.

The body therefore called for a global approach to be adopted by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the global community in the handling of the disease ‘otherwise it would assume an alarming proportion.’

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies has stated that imposing travel bans on Ebola affected countries would be ‘irrational.’

Secretary General of the agency, said Elhadj As Sy, who made this disclosure recently while addressing the media at a press conference, noted that imposing a ban would only raise fear and panic among people and ‘won’t do any good to curb the virus’ which has already claimed the lives of more than 4,000 people.

“[Travel bans] are not solutions. The only solution is how can we join our efforts to contain those kinds of viruses and epidemics at their epicenter, right where they start.

“Countries should focus on raising funds and providing treatment to those with confirmed cases of Ebola. If they can do that, the outbreak could be contained within six months,” said Sy in Beijing, China.

The Obama administration has imposed a new rule forcing passengers travelling from Ebola affected West African countries to fly via one of five United States airports.

satSouth African Tourism (SAT) has officially announced the launch of a Ghandi-Inspired Tourist Attractions that identifies 13 places that were seminal in Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi’s journey in South Africa.

Identifying these places and including them on the Gandhi Inspired Tourist Attractions enables the global travel trade to package yet another fascinating aspect of South African history and culture. It makes the Gandhi sites accessible to people from all over the world who want to come and walk in his footsteps, and experience Gandhi’s South Africa.

Mahatma Gandhi inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. He led India to independence from colonial British rule in 1947. He spent the formative years of his life in South Africa, having come to this country in 1893 at the age of 24, and leaving 21 years later in 1914.

Central to his immense contribution to human rights was his Satyagraha movement of passive resistance whose enduring impact continues to shape the world today and whose principles he developed whilst living in South Africa.

The Gandhi Inspired Tourist Attractions was launched in Orchards, Johannesburg on October 16, 2014. The launch was attended by Indian Acting High Commissioner to South Africa, Mr T Armstrong Changsan; Acting Director: Arts, Culture and Heritage, City of Johannesburg and author of Gandhi’s Johannesburg: Birthplace of Satyagraha, Mr Eric Itzkin; and South African Tourism Chief Executive Officer, Mr Thulani Nzima.

South African Tourism’s Gandhi webpage also be launched on October 16, provides a comprehensive list of Gandhi-related sites across the country, information on them, and best ways for the global travel trade to package these itinerary highlights for tourists who seek to explore South Africa’s rich cultural heritage and history. It also tells the life story of this remarkable statesman, family man, politician and human being.

Gandhi’s granddaughter, Ms Ela Gandhi says: “South Africa transformed Gandhi’s life. It can transform your life too. Many tours of South Africa show the beauty of this country. But by walking in the footsteps of Gandhi, you do not only experience the beauty of this land, you experience and understand the real meaning of love. I would say this is the most important tour in anybody’s life. People come to the Gandhi sites for inspiration, and to hear the stories about peace, love and unity that remain as deeply relevant all over the world today as they were when he walked on earth.”

South African Tourism Chief Executive Officer, Mr Thulani Nzima says: “We extend a sincere and warm invitation to tourists from across the world to come and experience the South Africa that shaped and influenced Gandhi. The Gandhi Inspired Tourist Attractions makes Mahatma’s South Africa accessible

to people who want to understand how this country shaped his conscience, his service to humanity and his great contribution to world history.

“We encourage the global travel trade and tour operators to visit the website and include Gandhi Inspired Tourist Attractions in their itinerary planning. This will greatly enhance tourists’ enjoyment of present-day South Africa through an understanding of this land’s fascinating history.

ataLeading global trade association promoting travel and tourism to Africa and strengthening intra-Africa partnership, the Africa Travel Association (ATA) has said it remains concerned about the Ebola virus, its far-reaching effects, and related perceptions on the travel and tourism sector in Africa, even as as it frowned at calls for cancellation of flights to affected countries on the sub-region of Africa..

The organization in a statement called on the travel industry and travelling public to remain cautious, acknowledge the immense size of the continent and continue to travel to the vast majority of the countries that remain safe.

“With a landmass of 30.2 million square kilometres, the African continent is larger than China, India, and the United States combined, with its 54 independent countries,” it noted.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the most severely affected countries are Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone; however, the Africa tourism industry has felt stark repercussions across the continent through economic losses, cancelled flights and bookings, closed borders, and negative perceptions. These impacts reach far beyond the borders of those affected countries.

“ATA does not support the cancellation of flights to Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone as this creates further isolation, impeding the delivery of critical medical supplies and travel by aid workers, which can exacerbate the situation. According to the WHO, the countries affected “have very weak health systems, lacking human and infrastructural resources, having only recently emerged from long periods of conflict and instability.”

“Now, more than ever, ATA hopes you will join our association in supporting, and standing in solidarity with Africa. ATA calls on travellers to make educated and rational decisions and cautions against the influence of sensationalized media. Africa has always suffered from challenges of perception relating to ignorance and a lack of understanding of the continent by citizens from around the world.

“Despite these challenges, ATA remains optimistic about travel and tourism to the African continent. In 2013, Africa welcomed over 65 million visitors, consistently increasing its share in the global travel marketplace. Africa is an exciting travel destination, one of world’s most dynamic travel destinations for tourists seeking for adventure, exceptional cultural exchange and heritage tours, diverse culinary experiences, unparalleled safari and wildlife opportunities, first-class beaches, and a wealth of investment opportunities. In pursuit of its mission, ATA believes that tourism is a powerful tool for promoting economic growth, job creation, investment and cultural exchange,” the organization stated.

Established in 1975, ATA serves both the public and private sectors of the international travel and tourism industry. ATA members include African governments, tourism ministers, tourism bureaus and boards, airlines, cruise lines, hotels, resorts, front-line travel agents, tour operators, and a media. ATA partners with the African Union Commission (AU) to promote the sustainable development of tourism to and across Africa.

Business travel has not been significantly impacted by the current Ebola outbreak, according to a poll of travel managers conducted by the GBTA Foundation, the education and research arm of the Global Business Travel Association.

Nearly 80 percent of the managers said international business travel has either not been impacted at all or has not been impacted much during the past month. Likewise, more than 90 percent of managers said that domestic business travel has either not been impacted at all or has not been impacted much during the past month.

“Although Ebola is top of mind across the country, its business as usual for most business travellers,” said GBTA Executive Director and COO Michael W. McCormick. “But that is not to say that companies are not monitoring this outbreak closely. A majority of travel managers said they either are, or plan to provide, their employees with updated information on staying safe while travelling.”

According to McCormick, it is imperative that the government and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provide accurate and timely information to the public.

The poll found that more than one third (36 percent) of traveller managers are providing their road warriors with tips on staying safe, while 41 percent said they plan to do so in the future.

Although the majority of business domestic and international travellers aren’t changing their schedules, companies that do business in West Africa are making changes – but not by a wide margin. Fifty-two percent of travel managers who do business in West Africa said they are restricting travel to that part of the world.

In the U.S. a total of 421 corporate travel managers completed the online survey October 13 –October 15, 2014. Survey respondents represent more than $70 billion worth of travel spending.

GBTA will also be holding a webinar for its members, Risk Radar: Managing the Medical and Security Implications of the Ebola Epidemic – How will you protect your travellers? on October 22 at 12 p.m. ET. The webinar is the first instalment of a special Risk Radar webinar series brought to you by the GBTA Risk Committee, and it will examine the Ebola outbreak from both a medical and security perspective to help participants develop a comprehensive understanding of its implications to travellers.

starwood logoStarwood Preferred Guest (SPG), the award-winning loyalty programme from Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc., has announced the live launch of SPG Pro, the all-new, comprehensive loyalty programme for meeting and travel professionals.

Starting Wednesday, registered professionals, accredited travel agents and SPG members who influence group, event and corporate travel will earn SPG elite status, upgrades and Starpoints for B2B business booked at any of Starwood’s nearly 1,200 properties around the world through

“We are thrilled to announce that SPG Pro has gone live, allowing us to provide even more personalized service for our global customers and members and to reward them for the business that they influence, whether it is business or leisure,” said Christie Hicks, Senior Vice President, Starwood Sales Organization. “Now any SPG member, travel professional or meeting planner will earn Starpoints for the business they influence including corporate off sites, office holiday parties or even personal events like weddings or anniversaries.”

Any SPG member who books a group stay, event or corporate business meeting, regardless of if they are a travel professional or not, will earn Starpoints and status for the business they influence. The more members book the more they earn, which means access to everything SPG has to offer and reaching elite status even faster through combined B2B and personal bookings.

Today, B2B accounts for nearly 70% of Starwood’s overall room revenue and is comprised of corporate travel, meetings and events and leisure and wholesale travel. With a salesforce of more than 5,000 globally, Starwood’s Sales Offices manage 1,200 global accounts from more than 30 offices around the world.

As the B2B landscape is shifting toward small meetings, which already accounts for 80% of Starwood’s group business, Starwood is targeting this untapped source of B2B potential with the knowledge that SPG members are small business owners, business consultants and senior executives who influence business and yearn to be recognized and rewarded in a currency they already adore – SPG elite status and Starpoints.

Starwood facilities in Nigeria include: The Sheraton Lagos Hotel, Sheraton Abuja Hotel, Four Points by Sheraton Lagos, Le Meridien Ogeyi Place- Portharcourt and Le Meridien Ibom Hotel & Golf Resorts- Akwa Ibom.

Starwood Preferred Guest (SPG) unites each of Starwood’s 9 distinctive hotel brands and includes more luxury hotels in more destinations around the world. SPG reinvented the hospitality loyalty landscape when it launched in 1999 with its breakthrough policy of no blackout dates, and over the years has continued its tradition of innovation with enhancements such as Cash + Points, SPG MomentsSM, and most recently Your24 and SPG Lifetime.

In addition to Free Night Awards at nearly 1,200 hotels and resorts and Award Flights on over 350 major airlines without blackout dates, the Starpoints that members earn through SPG can be redeemed for access like no other to experiences in music, sports and the arts through SPG Moments.


world travel awardsChina was among the biggest winners at the World Travel Awards Asia & Australasia Gala Ceremony 2014 this evening, with a host of awards headed for the emerging tourism powerhouse.

Hosts The Oberoi, in New Delhi also had reason to cheer, picking up the trophy for Asia’s Leading Luxury Hotel, while parent Oberoi Hotels & Resorts was recognised as Asia’s Leading Luxury Hotel Brand.

The red-carpet ceremony was hosted by Indian superstar Seema Rhamani, and offered the finest in local entertainment, a gourmet banquet and, of course, the presentation of the prestigious trophies.

For China, HNA Tourism Group took the title of Asia’s Leading Travel Management Company, while Deer Jet took the prestigious award for Asia’s Leading Private Jet Charter. Continuing the winning streak, Tangla Hotels & Resorts walked away with the prize for Asia’s Leading Lifestyle Hotel Brand.

In a special presentation at the climax of the ceremony, the title of Asia’s Leading Travel Personality was bestowed upon Mr Zhang Ling, Chairman of HNA Tourism Group.

World Travel Awards President Graham Cooke said: “It has been a fantastic evening here at The Oberoi, New Delhi, and I would like to offer my congratulations to Oberoi Group President Kapil Chopra and his team for hosting such an outstanding ceremony.

“Among the biggest stories of the night has been the rise of China as a tourism destination here in Asia. Our voters have recognised some industry leading organisations and I look forward to seeing many of them again at the World Travel Awards Grand Final in Morocco next month.”

In aviation, Hainan Air was recognised as Asia’s Leading Airline – Business Class, Singapore Airlines was awarded Asia’s Leading Airline and Air New Zealand took the title of Australasia’s Leading Airline. On the ground Changi Airport defended its title of Asia’s Leading Airport for an unprecedented ninth year.

Recognised as a pioneer and an icon among luxury hotels in India, The Oberoi, New Delhi’s exquisite interiors, impeccable service and fine cuisine made it a perfect host for the event.

Speaking at the Gala Ceremony Jay Rathore, Vice President & General Manager, The Oberoi, New Delhi, said: “We are very proud and honoured to be voted Asia’s Leading Luxury Hotel. The award is testimony of The Oberoi Group’s unwavering commitment toward offering guests world-class facilities and unsurpassed service standards.

“In a few months, The Oberoi, New Delhi will complete five decades of excellence in hospitality. Opened in the year 1965, the hotel is regarded as a pioneer in luxury, and has been catering to the most discerning travellers for many years; making the hotel a New Delhi icon.

“I accept this award on behalf of my team as it is their relentless effort to offer our guests warm, personalised and caring service that has resulted in this recognition.”

He added: “It has been a pleasure to host this event with the outstanding team at World Travel Awards, it has been a showcase of our hospitality, especially at the threshold of our Golden Jubilee.”

InterContinental Hotels & Resorts, one of the largest hospitality companies in the world, took the titles for both Asia’s Leading Business Hotel Brand and Asia’s Leading Luxury Business Hotel Brand.

Indonesia Ministry of Tourism also took home the trophy for Asia’s Leading Tourist Board.

Worldhotels ventures into West Africa

Posted: October 28, 2014 in general

Worldhotels expands into Africa by joining forces with the Azalaï Hotels Group – the first African private hotel chain in West Africa.

As part of the agreement, six Azalaï Hotels in Burkina Faso, Benin, Mali and Guinea-Bissau have joined Worldhotels’ global network of almost 500 hotels worldwide, taking advantage of the group’s 360° solution, which offers everything from technology to branding.

Additional properties in Nouakchott, Abidjan and Dakar are anticipated to join Worldhotels’ portfolio when they open their doors in 2015 and 2016.

Worldhotels sees great potential in Sub-Saharan Africa – a region that is marked by substantial economic growth, which has translated into a rising tourism industry. Both business and leisure travel are accelerating and local hotel operators are increasingly looking for international partners to enhance their global exposure, without having hard standards imposed upon them.

The partnership with the Azalaï Hotels Group marks a first and important step in Worldhotels’ strategic intention to expand into Africa, and the group is looking for further opportunities within the market.

Worldhotels’ distinctive range of business offerings, which are tailored to meet the needs of private hotel operators whilst allowing full operational freedom, was the reason why Mossadeck Bally, founder and CEO of Azalaï Hotels, selected the group as the preferred international partner for his hotels: “Besides offering us their classic affiliation model, Worldhotels also provided us with a technology-only solution for some of our hotels, which doesn’t require any dedicated sales or marketing support. For our pipeline projects we particularly trust in Worldhotels’ global exposure and 360° services to help us strengthen our position in the international market.”

“Azalaï Hotels stand for authentic African hospitality and we are genuinely proud to join forces with this locally and internationally recognised group”, comments Kristin Intress, CEO of Worldhotels. “Our strategic partnership is an important milestone, enabling us to accelerate our mutual growth and strengthen our brand positioning. We are particularly glad to expand the Worldhotels network to new destinations in the aspiring sub-Saharan market, offering our guests a greater selection of authentic hotels worldwide.”

intercontinental hotelGlobal hotel chain, the Intercontinental Hotel Group (IHG) has launched a bespoke training programme for the Food & Beverage teams in its hotels across Africa, including Nigeria, Asia, the Middle East, and Greater China.

The online programme, developed in collaboration with hospitality education provider Lobster Ink, rolled out with more than 10 courses incorporating more than 500 video lessons. It provides F&B employees across IHG’s hotels with access to training videos, standards manuals, assessment modules and management reporting tools.

More than 7,000 employees across 325 hotels are currently undergoing training in various courses, with close to 2,000 already completing them. For every course they complete, participants receive accreditation by both the Institute of Hospitality and IHG.

“Over 80 per cent of our guests eat breakfast with us. We know that if a customer has a good experience at breakfast, they are more likely to come back for lunch and dinner,” said Phil Broad, IHG’s vice president, food and beverage, Asia, the Middle East and Africa. “It is vital our hotels understand and are delivering the right breakfast standards according to what our guests want and need, and that sparked the development of the IHG F&B Training System. Since its launch, the program has been very well received amongst our colleagues, and we are confident it will provide the F&B teams in our hotels with the tools they need.”