Nigerians paint Georgia green on Martin Luther-King Day

Posted: January 28, 2011 in arts/culture, travel & tourism

Umbrella association of Nigerians resident in the American State of Georgia, the Alliance of Nigerian Organizations in Georgia (ANOG),  Monday, January 17,  joined DeKalb NAACP in Atlanta, including the rest of the world in celebrating late civil rights activist,  Martin Luther-King Jr.

The Martin Luther-King (MLK) Day is a  national holiday in the United States celebrating the lives and times of the civil human rights activist.

Paying homage to one of the “World’s Greatest Heroes,” at an MLK Parade and Rally, this is  the first time that ANOG will collaborate with DeKalb NAACP in celebrating Martin Luther King’s legacy.   Dr. King devoted his life to peace, non-violent struggle, civil rights activism.

According to the ANOG, the purpose of its members  participation in this parade/rally was to ‘enable our strong Nigerian Community to reach out more to the larger community, step out of our silo and foster bi-organizational relations for mutual benefits.’

In attendance at the Parade/Rally were Georgia senator Steve Henson of the 41st district, as well as Congressman Hank Johnson of the 4th district of Georgia, both of who expressed readiness to participate in future celebrations and particularly ANOG events.

At the end of the parade, a well-attended rally took place in which ANOG was duly recognized with the honour to make a speech.

In the speech at the rally, ANOG President, Titus O. Olowokere, praised the work of the late civil rights activist and challenged all to strive for excellence, probity and strength of character, ‘no longer blaming race as the limiting success ingredient.’

Alliance of Nigerian Organizations in Georgia (ANOG), President, Titus O. Olowokere, leading a procession of Nigerians resident in Atlanta as they joined Americans in celebrating the Martin Luther-King Day last Monday

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